T-Shaped Resources
In questa sezione aggiorno quelli che penso sia gli strumenti, corsi, blog, podcast, libri più importanti per il mio percorso formativo e penso possano essere utili a tutte quelle persone che vogliono veramente abbracciare il concetto di T-Shaped.
Marketing Science
- Marketing Science Course on Coursera
- What happens when brands stop advertising? | Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science
- Ehrenberg-Bass Institute
- Demand Creation does NOT Exist - Dale W. Harrison on LinkedIn
- Green-field Advertising - Augustine Fou on LinkedIn
- Pmax Works
- PMAX: The black box you don't want anything to do with - LinkedIn Article
- AI for Beginners
- Transform your business with Microsoft AI - Training
- AI & Machine Learning | Google Cloud Blog
- Prompt engineering - OpenAI API
- Prompt engineering - Google
- AI cookbook - Google
- ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers
- The Scientific Method: A Guide to Finding Useful Knowledge | Cambridge University Press
- Converted: The Data-Driven Way to Win Customers' Hearts by Neil Hoyne | Amazon
- Agencynomics: Fully Revised Edition 2021
- Understanding Software: Max Kanat-Alexander on simplicity, coding, and how to suck less as a programmer
- Digital Marketing in an AI World: Futureproofing Your PPC Agency by Frederick Vallaeys | Amazon Kindle Store